Raad Ahmed
November 29, 2021

💌 6 Things Thursday #15


Here's another microdose of interesting things I enjoyed this week--written by me, Raad—CEO of LawTrades.

1. A tweetstorm I read

Michael Seibel

One of the biggest errors [startups] make is over relying on the opinions/actions of their peer group. In most jobs if you surround yourself with smart motivated people and you act similarly to them you’ll succeed.

2. A book I'm reading

Unstoppable (Amazon)

One of our earliest investors is David Hauser-- who founded a company called Grasshopper that sold for around $200 million. He wrote a book that applies some of his business principles to his own body and mind. You can listen to my favorite chapter called "Life" here.

3. A show I'm watching


A cosmic sci-fi adventure that makes you rethink everything you're seeing. Made by the creators of BoJack Horseman and backed by Amazon Studios.

4. A good hack

This Very Simple Trick Might Save Your AirPods

Instead of worrying about losing stuff, increase your retrieval rate from 0% to 50%.

5. A cereal I'm eating

Magic Spoon

Magic Spoon is trying to bring cereals back by making a healthier option for adult cereal addicts (like myself). Unlike other meals, breakfast is one where consumers are generally okay with eating the same thing every day, so once they hook a customer, they get a consistent and predictable revenue stream.

6. A post on instagram


Raad Ahmed
Founder/CEO, LawTrades

P.S. - Which # was your favorite? Tweet me with the hashtag #6TT to join the conversation.