Hi, my name is Raad

Me quickly

I’m the Founder / CEO of Lawtrades and LeanFi. They are platforms that help knowledge workers earn a living online.

I graduated from the University at Buffalo Law School and then moved to Silicon Valley to do startups and now back in NYC.

I also record music, make videos, skateboard, and invest in startups.

Passionately curious, compulsively minimalist. I like making old things easier, and new things possible.

NYC native, I live in Long Island City.

Me longer

See my About page.

Newest thoughts

Interviews                     SEE ALL

Minority Trip
Asian Hustle Network
Building in America
Seed Stories


TechcrunchLegal Dive

Private email list

If you want ideas to help you find the space between your thoughts, leave email below:


0001, @r44d, on twitter

0002, @raad.says, on instagram

0003, linkedin.com/in/raadahmed, on linkedin

0004, @r44d, on medium

0005, @raadsays on TikTok

My Angel Investments

See my Investments.
