Raad Ahmed
July 8, 2022

My bigger vision

Jon: What's the 12-month plan and what's the 10-year plan?

Raad: The 12-month plan is definitely growing the team, right now we’re at 15 to 30.

We recently hired a business coach so we’re now setting out goals, OKRs, roles, and

responsibilities that ultimately make up our leadership team.

We’re developing a lot more infrastructure in terms of how do we manage people?

How do we scale people? How do we make the existing people better?

What makes us different in the market? It’s a strategy that I never thought

we’d ever do because we never would get to that level.

In terms of the next decade, there are definitely plans to expand Lawtrades beyond

legal. We’re exploring a name change at the moment. The tools that we're building

right now are universal to knowledge workers everywhere.

We are focusing on legal right now, but in the future, it could ultimately be disrupting

the Management Consulting Model, The McKinsey Model, or the Big Four consulting


There are so many independents that exist that used to work at these institutions,

that are fully capable of delivering amazing services at a much lower rate with a

better experience. Ultimately, because you're working directly with somebody

instead of an institution or a partner.

That's the bigger vision. A global, universal platform for work that

encompasses all kinds of professional services industries.

I'm excited about that and hope it still stays fun. That's probably the most

important part. If I do this for another 10 years it has to be fun, so I’m hoping

that's baked in there too.